WIRED aims to create an atmosphere where students want to be at church; to view church as a fun place to be and desire to get involved. Dedicated WIRED volunteers enable a transition from just having fun to building real relationships. Our goal is to help students take next steps in emotional, relational and spiritual maturity; to go from just “knowing” about God to applying spiritual truths in everyday life.

Sunday Mornings

Students in 6th-8th grades are invited to join us each Sunday morning during the 9:00 service on both campuses for Encounter. This time together includes games and large group teaching designed to help students encounter God's love and grace in an environment created just for them.

Wednesday Nights

Join us on Wednesday nights throughout the school year for Engage! Our 6th-8th graders meet from 6:15-8:00 at the Gettysburg Pike campus. Most Wednesdays will consist of worship, games, and small-group discussion, providing students an opportunity to engage in Christ-centered relationships with their peers and the volunteers who work with them.

Every three weeks, we'll have a theme night complete with costumes, crazy games, and food. Be sure to check the DSM Loop homepage to find out if this week is a theme night week.
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